International classroom @ High school

International classroom @ High school

Structureel werk
Sint Hubertuslaan 12, Maastricht, Nederland
ArmoedebestrijdingKinderen & JongerenBuurt & omgeving
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Match Maastricht
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Uitgebreide omschrijving

The international Classroom project allows students to take on a role as tutor or support the teacher during classes of the subject EIS (European and International Studies, a mix of political science, law and sociology). This fits into the educational structure of bilingual department of the pre-university stream. Within this bilingual department the pupils experience English language immersion in 70% of the subjects in year 1 to 3. From year 4 onwards the curriculum still contains 40% of the lessons being taught in English. You will be working with pupils in year 4 and 5.

The pupils (aged 15-17) of the classes work in groups of 4-6 pupils in a pre-PBL approach using SCRUM. The groups are tasked with answering questions about themes such as Humanities, Economics, Politics, Ethics and Environment & Technology.


A part of a class will be dedicated to let students talk about their background and what path you choose to end up studying here in Maastricht. This allows for a conversation about different backgrounds and prejudices people have.

The International Classroom takes place at the high school Porta Mosana in Maastricht (Oude Molenweg 130 ). Casper Gardeniers is the contact person. The classes where the international Classroom takes place are part of the bilingual pre-university track. A new semester starts in the week of 20th November.


The project offers students to put their knowledge sharing to practice and further develop your leadership skills. If you would be interested in the project, the teacher, Casper Gardeniers would like to know: 

●    What you expect from the project?

●    What are your strengths? Do you have certain knowledge linking to the themes mentioned above?

●    What time investment do you have in mind?


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Over Match Maastricht

Bij Match geloven we in de kracht en het nut van maatschappelijke betrokkenheid. Wij denken dat vrijwilligerswerk tijdens je studie je helpt om je sociale en professionele vaardigheden te ontwikkelen. Match is er voor studenten die een maatschappelijke bijdrage willen leveren in Maastricht. Studenten doen zo ervaring op en worden uitgedaagd om hun professionele vaardigheden en talenten toe te passen in een real-life setting.